Yamalube Super-Synthetic 10W30 Motor Oil FC-W

Original Yamalube Super-Synthetic 10W30 Motor Oil FC-W. This is the ultimate oil for your engine - no better! Fits all 4-stroke engines from 2.5 to 350 HP. If your engine is still factory warranty, it is extremely important to use this oil as the warranty expires using non-original oil. This oil is also suitable for all other modern 4-stroke engines. Available in 1 liter, 4 liter and 60 liter.

Price from
223,10 DKK
1.0 Ltr 4.0 Ltr. 60 Ltr.

Original Yamalube Super-Synthetic 10W30 Motor Oil FC-W. This is the ultimate oil for your engine - no better! Fits all 4-stroke engines from 2.5 to 350 HP. If your engine is still factory warranty, it is extremely important to use this oil as the warranty expires using non-original oil. This oil is also suitable for all other modern 4-stroke engines. Available in 1 liter, 4 liter and 60 liter.